Jordan Chapin was recently named the winner of the 2022 Chitsey Award, granted each year to the student of Honors Northeast who after their first semester, most exceeded expectations. The award comes with a $200 check.
The Northeast Texas Community College Foundation will again participate in East Texas Giving Day (ETGD) on Tuesday, April 26. East Texas Giving Day is an 18-hour event that provides critical funding for area nonprofits like us. ETGD takes place online between 6:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m.
The NTCC Career and Transfer Center will host a Transfer Panel on Thursday, April 28 from 12:30-1:00 p.m. in BT 111B. The panel is designed for students wanting to transfer to a university. They will have the opportunity to meet with former students Daisy Banda and Andrew Juarez, who will share their personal transfer experiences.
The NTCC Ag Department is hosting its Springfest on the NTCC Farm event through April 23. The open farm and plant sale is open to the public! Come see all that farm has to offer and buy plants to get your own summer garden started.
Members of the Morris County Retired School Employee Association recently visited Northeast Texas Community College for their April meeting. The group presented Dr. Jonathan McCullough (right), NTCC Executive Vice President for Advancement, with a $500 check to support the Work4College Program.
The NTCC Continuing Education Department will again host its annual Kids Discovery College July 11-21. Classes, which will meet Monday-Thursday for two weeks, are designed for kids ages 8-16. Course topics will be announced soon.
Texas A&M University-Texarkana at NTCC will host a PLACE Lecture in the Biggers Room (and via Zoom) on Tuesday, April 26 at 12:15 p.m.
Dr. Melissa Fulgham, NTCC Division Chair and Professor of History, will deliver the lecture. The topic will be "Distinguishing between the Sacred and the Profane: 3 controversies over Time and Place: April Fool's Day, Pope Gregory's Letter and Thanksgiving."
The NTCC Continuing Education Department will host a Phlebotomy Technician Program this summer. The course will be held June 1 through August 12 on the main NTCC campus in UHS 221. Classes will be from 6-10 p.m.
The certificate program consists of 146 contact hours of lecture, lab and clinical training for students to become technicians. Upon successful completion of the Phlebotomy Technician Program, students will receive a certificate of completion and will be eligible to sit for the national certification exam through the National Health Career Association.
The Northeast Texas Community College Art Department recently hosted a reception to honor the work of 2021-2022 students. The art exhibit/contest is on display in the foyer of the Whatley Center through April 27th. The public is invited to view the free exhibit during regular business hours. Winning works are marked with ribbons.