Live Like an Athlete

Dr. Tom Seabourne cycling

We have been professionally involved in the science of performance and in fitness and nutrition for over 30 years. During this time we have learned that for nearly everyone, a sound knowledge of exercise technique and of food selection is necessary  for a positive change in  fitness level.

 We invite you to join us in the LIVE LIKE AN ATHLETE program.

Read our blogs, watch our videos and find what works for you!.

During the program you will learn the content and process of change in exercise, nutrition, stress management as well as other critical fitness and lifestyle areas of specific interest to you.   (photo by Jeremy Weber)                                        

Tom Seabourne, Ph.D., CSCS, ACSM

Professor of Exercise Science  

Teach Others to Live Like An Athlete!

The Northeast Personal Training Certification is a 15-hour self-paced online course designed to provide you with all of the skills required to become a personal trainer. Learn cutting-edge information about exercise science, flexibility, resistance training, nutrition, mind/body exercises, and cardio workouts. Experience sports performance enhancement drills and program development techniques.

Become a Certified Personal Trainer and teach others how to Live Like An Athlete!