We are honored to be your first exercise ?buddy? recipients. We both have found it is easier and more fun to work out (complain) together. We are able to encourage one another on days one of us does not feel like going, remind each other to drink water, able to extract our partner from the leg machine after our legs our too tired to get out on our own, we find we are able to laugh during our workouts, and finally we are able to see our ?buddy?s? results and celebrate small successes together. Even though we were wary about starting a fitness program, we are amazed at how much progress we have made in just a semester. We have tripled the amount of time we can spend on the cardiovascular machines, we have increased the number of reps and amount of weight handle in our weight program. We have noticed the improvement in our balance and posture. Both of us see students from our classes while we are at the Fitness Center and receive encouragement from students, faculty, staff and administration.