Residency Information

Tuition Classifications

For tuition purposes, students enrolling in Northeast Texas Community College will be classified as follows based on their own residence (if independent) or parent/legal guardian's residence (if dependent):

  1. In District – Texas residents who have lived in the Northeast Texas Community College taxing district for 90 days prior to enrollment, and have established a domicile in the NTCC District.
  2. Out of District - Texas residents who do not live within the taxing district of Northeast Texas Community College.  Or those students who have lived in district for less than 90 days prior to enrollment and who have not established a domicile within the NTCC District. 
  3. Out of State - nonresidents of Texas and foreign students

Note: Court-appointed legal guardianship documentation is required for students basing their claim for residency on a legal guardian.


How do I change my residency classification?  

Residency classifications are determined at the time the admission application is submitted.  If you believe you are eligible for reclassification, you must complete a residency reclassification form and supply documentation to the Admissions Office. 


Residency Status Classification

Texas Education Code Sec. 54.054. A nonresident student classification is presumed to be correct as long as the residence of the individual in the state is primarily for the purpose of attending an educational institution. After residing in Texas for at least 12 months, a nonresident student may be reclassified as a resident student as provided in the rules and regulations adopted by the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System. (Domicile in Texas must be established and documentation provided.)

Texas Rules and Regulations currently in effect.

Any individual reclassified as a resident student is entitled to pay the tuition fee for a resident of Texas at any subsequent registration as long as he continues to maintain his legal residence in Texas.

If you are a Texas resident eligible for reclassification from out-of-district to in-district, complete the Residency Reclassification form and submit with documentation to the Admissions Office in the Administration Building on campus.

If you are eligible for reclassification from out-of-state to in-state, complete the Residency Reclassification form and submit with documentation to the Admissions Office, in the Administration Building on campus.

View our Documentation to Support Domicile and Residency for examples of documents required to prove domicile and physical presence in Texas.