Honors Northeast previews new film

Members of Honors Northeast recently previewed their coming film on Harriet Potter Ames to the fall meeting of the Native Plant Society of Texas in Texarkana. The student presenters, who also acted in the film, and in some cases, researched the original script, role-played their characters for the meeting.

Thanks to a generous gift from Jerald and Mary Lou Mowry, as well as other sources of support, members of Honors Northeast filmed the classic ?Harriet Potter Ames?

Creative Writing 101 continuing education course offered

Have you ever dreamed of getting a short story published in a magazine or perhaps even having the next great novel listed on the New York Times bestseller list? Or, maybe you just have a good story to tell?

Northeast Texas Community College and renowned author Lou Antonelli are offering Creative Writing 101 at the Downtown Center in Mount Pleasant (the old high school on Riddle Street).

Lou Antonelli?s short fiction has been published in the U.S., Canada, England, Portugal, India and Australia, and gathered up in three separate collections.


NTCC Rodeo update

The Northeast Texas Community College (NTCC) rodeo team has five members ranked in the 2014-2015 Southern Region standings after their second rodeo of the season. The team hopes to improve its place in the standings after this weekend's home rodeo at the Mount Pleasant City Arena.


Berlin natives visit with NTCC German class

Students in Northeast Texas Community College's new German 1311 class recently had visitors from†Berlin, Germany.† Uwe and Henny Goettert are currently living in Toronto while Henny completes her degree in molecular genetics. †They were visiting in the Pittsburg area with Henny?s former host family from 2000-2001, when she was a foreign exchange student to the US.

Henny was born in East Berlin when the Berlin Wall was still standing. She was four years old when it fell in 1989.
