NTCC Softball third in the nation for academics
Karen Andrews named July Fittest Employee
The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for an August recipient!
Here's a message from Karen regarding her†personal wellness plan?
Thank you for this recognition.
Diane Mohr named June fittest employee
The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for a July recipient!
Here's a message from Diane regarding her†personal wellness plan?
Let me say, I am honored to receive this recogn
Cinco de Mayo on the Square raises $10,000 for NTCC scholarships
NTCC graduates first class in Community Health Worker program
NTCC ranked among top 10 Texas community colleges
NTCC active shooter drill planned for Friday
Hanson-Sewell Center offers summer kids camps
The first option is Keyboarding/typing. This introduction to the fundamentals of typing runs June 23 through July 9 and meets every†Tuesday†and†Thursday†from 11 a.m.†to 12:30 p.m. The course will teach kids proper keyboarding technique and will help them improve their speed and accuracy.
Fast Track Fire Academy accepting applications
† † Northeast Texas Community College is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications for its new Fast Track Firefighter Academy. The first class begins July 1 and runs through December 19. Students will meet†Monday†throughThursday†evenings at the Central Fire Station in Mount Pleasant and alternating Saturdays.†
Medical Assisting program extends application deadline
Come visit us to learn about the program.