Poster Contest winners announced

Northeast Texas Community College hosted the 8th annual McGraw Hill Poster Contest April 24. Students presented posters highlighting original research on a wide range of topics. This event has become an annual test of creative scholarship in Northeast Texas, funded in part by the McGraw-Hill Corporation and judged by friends of NTCC and Honors Northeast. First place went to Kayleah Cumpian of Mount Pleasant. She presented research performed last summer at Texas A&M University-Commerce and won the top prize of $400.

Health Sciences Department offers variety of training options

The Health Sciences Department at Northeast Texas Community College†has lots of upcoming training opportunities. Short trainings with flexible schedules! Check out some of the upcoming opportunities:

CPR for Healthcare Providers ?May 12th
Learn basic life support for healthcare providers. This is the American Heart Association course required for entry into our health science programs and is required for most employment in healthcare settings.

Certified Nurse?s Aide?


Culinary Arts to hold information session

Have an interest in cooking?† Wonder what being a chef is all about?††The public is invited to attend a free information session and check out what the Culinary Arts Program at Northeast Texas Community College has to offer.

The Culinary program at Northeast is designed to train highly skilled professionals in a real-world atmosphere.††The school is located in historic downtown Pittsburg and offers a fully-equipped, high-end restaurant to prepare students for a great start in their culinary career.

Students are taught by top-notch instructors, trained at world-class instit


Eagles Baseball visits local students

When Titus County Reads came to Corprew Elementary School to give a book to each student on the campus, the Northeast Texas Community College Eagles Baseball team came along to help. The players helped students select their books and then sat with them in the Library to read the books and talk about what they had read.

?We?d like to thank Titus County Reads for donating these books so every student on the Corprew campus could choose a book of their own,? said MPISD Director of Communication Dr. Judith Saxton. ?For some of these students this may be the very first book they own.


SGA participates in Dolls for Nepal

Please join the NTCC SGA in their efforts to support†Dolls for Nepal!

Dolls for Nepal†is an organization dedicated to relieving the stress caused by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal on April 25th, 2015. Operations are underway to rescues those trapped as well as providing medical assistance to those who are in urgent need.†Dolls for Nepal†will act in the next phase of the response by providing clean water, food, clothing, and shelter to Nepalese in need.
