NTCC is currently enrolling students for second 8-week fast-track classes.

Students post for photo

Thanks to Texas Heritage National Bank, and other friends of Honors Northeast, NTCC’s scholars enjoyed their 24th bi-annual honors day trip—this time to Dallas.

Applications are currently being accepted for various scholarships available through the NTCC Foundation. Deadlines are approaching, so please get these in on time for priority consideration.

Anderson and Haack

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation recently named two students at Northeast Texas Community College as semi-finalists for their highly competitive and elite Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship. Rhylie Anderson of Winnsboro and Lilly Haack of Wenona, Illinois both made the shortlist for the scholarship. 

The Northeast Texas Community College Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Program is pleased to announce that NTCC is now a testing site for the National Registry (NR), which is the certifying agency for EMS personnel nationwide. This opportunity for onsite testing will provide NTCC program graduates and other qualified individuals at all levels of EMS training with a local option to take their professional exams.

students presenting

On Thursday, February 21, at 12:15 PM in the Community Room of the Mount Pleasant Library three members of Honors Northeast will present original essays on regional issues. 

Cook photography

The Northeast Texas Community College Art Department will host a photography exhibit by Ginger Sisco Cook February 8-27 in the foyer of the Whatley Center for the Performing Arts. The show is free and open to the public for viewing during regular business hours. 

MA and PTA students

The Northeast Texas Community College Medical Assistant Program (MA) recently collaborated with the Physical Therapist Assistant Program (PTA) in a mock evacuation of a physician office due to a chemical spill.

Blues Brothers

The Official Blues Brothers Revue is coming to the Whatley Center at Northeast Texas Community College on Monday, Feb. 11.

Stop the bleed kit donation

Northeast Texas Community College recently received a donation of four Stop The Bleed kits from the Northeast Texas Regional Advisory Council (NETRAC).