
Once again, rain forced Northeast Texas Community College (5-5) baseball to head out on the road. NTCC made the three hour trip to Tishomingo, Oklahoma and came away with a 19-5 win over Murray State College.

tiger dolls with donations

The Mount Pleasant High School Tiger Dolls recently donated approximately 2,000 pounds of food to the NTCC Eagle Pantry. The pantry provides food items to current NTCC students and their families. 


group honors shot

The application deadline for an optimal scholarship of Honors Northeast for the 2020-2021 school year is 1 March. A student may apply directly through the application portal of the honors website www.ntcc.edu/honors, by submitting the application distributed by counselors at local high schools to Andrew Yox, PO Box 1307, NTCC, Mount Pleasant 75456, or by contacting the Honors Director, Dr. Andrew Yox (903-434-8229), ayox@ntcc.edu, for more information and materials.


The Northeast Texas Community College softball team (2-9) traveled to Waco on Saturday to take on McLennan College. McLennan completed the two game sweep defeating NTCC 9-1 in game one and 8-0 in game two. 

Did you know that one in five East Texans, are hungry today?  Texas has a higher rate of food insecurity, one that's higher than the national average. That means it is more difficult for our students, colleagues and community members to put food on the table.

The Eagle Pantry is a FREE campus resource for any current NTCC student.


With the recent rains forcing a cancellation of the home series with Hutchison Community College from Kansas, once again the Northeast Texas Community College Baseball (NTCC) team hit the road to make up the lost games. The Eagles (4-5) would travel to the DFW Metroplex to take on TCS Post Grad Academy on Saturday, falling in game one 2-1 but bouncing back in game two to win 14-9.

Perrymans accepting award

The Northeast Texas Community College Foundation was pleased to host the annual Scholarship Brunch on Friday, Nov. 1. This event brings scholarship donors and recipients together to meet each other and celebrate another year of outstanding students and generous giving. The Foundation currently awards more than 130 scholarships (many with multiple recipients) that are privately funded by individuals, organizations and businesses. Foundation scholarships are competitive and students much complete an application and essay in order to be considered. 


Is there a kid in your life that loves being outdoors (or needs to spend some time away from their screens)? The NTCC Agriculture Department is planning a Farm Day Camp for kids Monday, March 16 - Thursday, March 19 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the NTCC farm. Ages 8-16 are welcome to participate and the cost is $49 per person. Call 903-434-8134 or e-mail continuinged@ntcc.edu for more information or to register. 


For their all-around excellence in the fall 2019 semester, the NTCC Honors Committee has promoted four NTCC Honors students to the rank of Presidential Scholar.  This top-tier rank of Honors Northeast generally signals a high degree of scholarly creativity as well as persevering academic effort.  The Presidential Scholarship that goes with this rank generally covers all tuition, fees, and books, making the cost of education negligible.