art show

The challenges of COVID-19 prohibited the art department from exhibiting our annual Spring 2020 Student Art Show in the Whatley Center foyer, so the art department instructors created an online version. We hope you enjoy it and share it with friends and family.


The Northeast Texas Community College Continuing Education Department recently announced that it is offering a variety of instructor-led youth courses through their online partner Ed2Go. These online classes are fun, convenient, informative and highly interactive. It's a great way for kids to stay busy and engaged this summer!

Two dual enrollment students and one NTCC sophomore were the recipients of this year’s Bonnie Spencer awards for the best essays in non-honors history courses at NTCC.  Essays could have been entered from any history course from any history instructor, full-time or part-time, on campus or off, including embedded dual history courses.


James L. Buckley of Winnsboro, Cory Lamond Smith, Jr. (not pictured) of Mount Pleasant, and Stormy Inez Taylor of Avery were named as the 2019-2020 Outstanding Students in Philosophy.


The Northeast Texas Community College Continuing Education Department is pleased to offer the community a variety of free online training opportunities.

NTCC recently announced a modified grading policy for the Spring 2020 semester. Below are some frequently ask questions to help students navigate the process and decide which option is best for them. 


Maria Valdelamar, of Pittsburg, Nathan Hunter of Jamaica, and Madia Arredondo, of Mount Pleasant, have been named the 2019-2020 Outstanding Students in Sociology.


Area community banks have partnered with Northeast Texas Community College to offer graduating high school seniors a buy-one-get-one-free class during NTCC’s summer term. Any 2020 high school graduate is eligible for the exclusive offer, regardless of where they live. 


Raven McCollum, of Mount Pleasant, Jacey McElveen, of Chapel Hill, and Rebecca Yaws of Harleton have been named the 2019-2020 Outstanding Students in History. The Social Sciences Division is pleased to celebrate these outstanding students and let you know a little more about them.

The Eagle Food Pantry will be open Thursday, May 21st from 11-1 for curbside care package pickup located at Wesley Fellowship Center. We only fill orders for students who email us at ​ ​from their student email. No emails will be answered if they are not sent to the CARE@ntcc.eduemail. If you are a dual student, please let us know when you contact us. Once you email us, we will give you a time between 11-1 to pick up your care package. All food orders will need to be in by noon on Wednesday, May 20th.