Manicure Program

The NTCC Manicure program is a 2-semester, 600-Hour certificate program, which includes fall and spring semester, August-May. This program leads to a Texas Manicurist Licensure. This program is approved and monitored by Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, and meets all criteria for a Texas Manicurist Licensure upon full completion and credit of the courses and state board examinations. Students will attend face-to-face classes as well as participate in online training through blackboard and CIMA.

Course Requirements:

Students who wish to enter the Manicure program must be at least 17 years of age, have a high school diploma, GED or valid equivalency of high school education.


Course Content:

The program is designed to train students in all aspects of Nail Technology, as laid out by TDLR, under the “scope of practice” for Nail Technicians. This includes (but is not limited to) training in Nail Anatomy & Physiology, nail structure and growth, equipment & implements, manicuring & pedicuring, business management, TDLR Laws & Rules, artificial nails, tips, wraps, gels, dips, nail art, massage, electric filing, preparations and applications.


Hybrid Course Info:

The manicure program is a hybrid course, meaning it operates partially online. Our licensing agency, TDLR, allows students to complete 25% of their coursework online, along with the face-to-face classes. The program uses a digital learning platform called CIMA for delivery of the online coursework, to be completed as homework.


Schedule of Classes:

The Manicure Program is Monday through Thursday, 1:00pm – 6:00pm. This class schedule runs through both fall and spring semester. (Class schedule is subject to change).


Entry to the Program:

The NTCC Manicure program admits 8 new students each Fall. Due to limited seating, students must complete a Manicure Program application packet and pay a $100 deposit to secure their spot. Once the packet and deposit are received, students are guaranteed enrollment for the following Fall semester. (The deposit is refunded upon graduation.) Application packets are available starting February 1st each year and can be picked up from the Cosmetology department or emailed upon request. Completed applications can be submitted as early as March 1st, with early submission recommended, as the program often fills up quickly.

Please note: Complete the NTCC Admissions Application before submitting the Manicure application—these are separate forms.

Completed Manicure Program application packets, including all required documents and deposit, must be submitted in person at the Cosmetology Department (Business Technology Building, BT 102) for consideration. A brief interview with instructors will follow. If you're unable to return the packet in person, please contact us by email to make other arrangements. For any Cosmetology or Manicuring -related inquiries, please reach out directly to our department.

Fall Semester Courses

CSME 1431Principal of Nail Technology I4 Credit Hours
CSME 1441Principals of Nail Technology II4 Credit Hours
  8 Total Credit Hours

Fall Cost Estimate:

 In-DistrictOut of DistrictNon-Resident
Tuition, Fees, Insurance$1,000.00$1,500.00$1,875.00
Milady Book Bundle (w/tax)$420.50$420.50$420.50
Manicurist Kit (w/tax)$450.00$450.00



Uniform Jacket$100.00$100.00$100.00

Spring Semester Courses

CSME 1443Manicuring & Related Theory4 Credit Hours
CSME 2430Nail Enhancements4 Credit Hours
  8 Total Credit Hours

Spring Cost Estimate:

 In-DistrictOut of DistrictNon-Resident
Tuition, Fees, Insurance$1,000.00$1,500.00$1,875.00

For More Information Contact

Necah Posey