How to Apply to Cosmetology Program

Thank you for your interest in the Cosmetology Operator Program at Northeast Texas Community College. The Cosmetology Department at NTCC is licensed by the Texas Department of Licensing and regulation. Acceptance to this program is based on criteria which is disclosed in the program application packet. Students are accepted per approval on a first come first serve basis, so returning your packet & deposit as early as possible is the best way to ensure your acceptance into the program. Once the maximum class size is reached, the class is closed until the next fall semester enrollment. Enrollment packets are not accepted if they are not complete, are missing documents, or the required deposit is not included.


First Apply to NTCC

Students are required to complete an NTCC admissions application and have a valid NTCC student ID number before submitting a Cosmetology Application so that they can be enrolled in Cosmetology classes.

Apply to Northeast Texas Community College »


Step 2: Apply to Cosmetology Operator Program

Use link below to download your application packet

Please return your COMPLETED cosmetology packets to the NTCC Cosmetology Department ONLY. We are located in the Business Technology Building on the NTCC campus. We will not begin accepting packets for the next Fall class until MARCH 3, 2025.


Have Questions or Need Assistance?

Applicants who have questions regarding this application process are urged to contact Cosmetology Program Instructors anytime via email, or stop by the Cosmetology Dept. on the NTCC campus. We are happy to help you through this process and answer any questions you may have along the way!

Necah Posey, Instructor | | 903-434-8334
Erin Robles, Instructor | | 903-434-8208

For More Information Contact

Necah Posey