PTK students complete college project

Phi Theta Kappa Alpha Mu Chi Chapter members recently submitted the final works for their College Project.  The college project focused on sharing diversity around campus. The Alpha Mu Chi chapter decided to team up with our institution’s administration to implement motions to advocate diversity on campus. This task group was designated by the college president and was called the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Taskforce.


Recent Funeral Service graduate featured in trade publication

An NTCC Funeral Service graduate was recently featured in the December issue of Texas Director, a trade publication for those in the funeral services industry. Steven D. Spruiells, of the Dallas/Fort Worth area, graduated from NTCC in December 2022. The following is an excerpt from the article:

…As a student in the NTCC Mortuary Program, he said he had been most surprised about how much he didn’t know about the profession, and what he has learned, is eager to help funeral service move forward in a way that will bring a positive light to the industry.
