NTCC holds Student Awards Ceremony

Northeast Texas Community College held its annual Student Awards Ceremony in the Whatley Center on Thursday, April 18.This event gives NTCC faculty an opportunity to recognize outstanding student achievement. Students must be nominated by a faculty member in order to receive one †of these awards. Below is the list of those honored at the event:

Alumnus of the Year Award


Psi Beta attends McGraw Hill conference

What better way to start a Saturday morning off than waking up at 4am? Psi Beta members Stephanie Murphy, Heather Humble, Dillon Gardner, Katie Worthey, Amanda Thigpen, Jessica Whitsel, John Coleman, and Florence Parker, along with Dr. Clay and Dr. Skaar did just that.† Meeting at NTCC at 5am on March 23, Psi Beta associates headed out for Frisco, TX to attend the McGraw Hill Conference. The conference was a success in showing what opportunities psychology offers along with the benefits of Psi Beta.† Members were able to experience new learning products from McGraw Hill Co.


Theatre Northeast to present Inherit the Wind

Theatre Northeast is proud to present the ?classic courtroom drama,"†Inherit the Wind, by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, in the Whatley Center for the Performing Arts on the campus of Northeast Texas Community College. Performances will run April 25-27 at 7:30 p.m. and April 28 at 2:05 p.m.

Described as ??one of the truly great American dramas of this century,?†Inherit the Wind†has as itsgenesis the famous Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925.

Stephani Calderon receives prestigious Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship

Stephani Calderon is pictured with Dr. Ron Clinton, NTCC Executive Vice President for Instruction.†

Stephani Calderon of Mount Pleasant recently became the second student in Northeast Texas Community College history to win the prestigious Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship. This scholarship covers up to $30,000 annually at†the university of the student?s choice for a period ranging up to three years.


Rodeo on the road to the CNFR

† † † The Northeast Texas Community College Eagles rodeo team gained serious momentum last week as the men won first place at the Hill College Rodeo. NTCC's Zack Bocco and Dustin Jackson took home first and second place, respectively, in the Men's All-around.†The NTCC women's team placed eighth place overall at the rodeo.


NTCC Ag Club wins big at TJCAA convention

Seven students †from the Northeast Texas Community College Ag Club attended the Texas Junior College Agricultural Association (TJCAA) Convention at Texas A&M University-Kingsville April 3-5.† Dakota Hall won second place†in the Outstanding Student Award and received a $500 scholarship.† Ashley Surman finished second†in Prepared Speaking, third†in Job Interview, and fourth†in Ag Economics quiz.† Taylor Hammonds and Syke Talsma finished third†in Public Relations, and David Underhill, Jared Lowery, and Julie McCoin helped NTCC win third†in Chapter Sweepstakes.


ENACTUS team hosts etiquette class for local students

Marguerite Morris (front left), Director of Developmental Education, recently joined up with†NTCC?s†Enactus†(formerly SIFE) team to offer a dining etiquette and table manners course to 34†elementary students.††Mrs. Morris and the†Enactus†team organized a serious of etiquette classes for local 4th†graders that was conducted during an after school program at†E.C.†Brice Elementary School.† †



Melissa Weinbrenner named Phi Theta Kappa Faculty Scholar for second consecutive year

Dr. Melissa Weinbrenner (second row, third from left) is pictured with the 2013 class of Phi Theta Kappa Faculty Scholars.†

Dr. Melissa Weinbrenner,†Northeast Texas Community College history professor and Phi Theta Kappa advisor, has been chosen to serve as a Phi Theta Kappa 2013 Faculty Scholar. Only 25 community college instructors were selected from among nearly 3,000 chapter advisors to serve in this role.