Honors Northeast completes 35 scenes of film on the Texas Suffragettes

Photo Courtesy of Hudson Old, and the East Texas Journal.  From Left to Right: Odalys Adame, Chandler Wascom, Evan Sears, Dr. Maryna Otero, Samuel Pollen, Victoria Matiz, Monserrat Rivero, Skylar Hudson, Dr. Andrew Yox, Skylar Fondren, Luiz Olvera, Raul Leija, Michelle Calderon, Neida Perez, Danielle Ison, Mrs. Ann Goodson, Hope Kelly.  Other film actors not seen above: Victor Diaz, Mr. Kenny Goodson, Paisley McGee, Sabrina Otero, Aubrey Watkins.

Men’s Soccer defeats Coastal Bend

Pictured: Coach JD Perales picked up his first win as head coach against Coastal Bend. 

By: Justin Hargrove, Assistant Athletic Director

The Northeast Texas Community College Men’s Soccer team opened conference play against Coastal Bend College (Beeville, TX) on Saturday, September 3rd. The Eagles defeated the Cougars 2-1 to get Coach JD Perales his first win as Head Coach of the Eagles.


Wesley Fellowship resumes free Tuesday lunches

The NTCC Wesley Fellowship has resumed their weekly lunches. Volunteers from the Wesley Fellowship provide free lunch and fellowship for NTCC students at the Wesley Student Center (north of the NTCC campus off FM 1735) on Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to join Rev. Allyson Penny and the Wesley crew for a new season of joy! Follow them on Facebook for the latest updates on events and activities at the Wesley Student Center. 
