Crystal Warren named Outstanding Psychology Student

Every semester full-time and associate faculty in NTCC’s Division of Humanities and Social Sciences can select an outstanding student, who is exceptional in some way. This semester, Psychology Professor Nicole Sutton nominated Crystal Warren.

Regarding her nomination, Professor Sutton explained that “She has overcome obstacles and is continuing to rise above her circumstances on the way to earning her degree.  She is an attentive, curious, and hard-working student, and is a joy to be around both in and outside of the classroom.”


Business Club gives back

Pictured: Todd Allen (front left) presents a scholarship to Dr. Ron Clinton, NTCC President (right). Also pictured (from left) is Samantha Lara, Heidi Wooten (faculty advisor), Linsey Harwell (faculty advisor), Kelsey Sandlin, Carolina Alcocer-Salas, Adrian Santiesteban, and Karen Andrews (faculty advisor).