PTK chapter documentary on local black history available to stream

Alpha Mu Chi, a chapter of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society at Northeast Texas Community College, recently completed a yearlong Honors in Action project.  “Finally Free: Folklore Becomes Legacy” is half-hour documentary featuring the voices, stories, and legacies of our African American community members.   The documentary can be found at


Gateway Bronco gives $5,000 for Shelby Automotive scholarships

The Northeast Texas Community College Foundation recently received a $5,000 gift from Gateway Bronco. The funds will be used to provide scholarships for students in NTCC’s Carroll Shelby Automotive Technology Program. Seth Burgett (center), owner of Gateway Bronco, is pictured presenting the gift to Dr. Jonathan McCullough (left), NTCC Executive Vice President for Advancement, and Dr. Kevin Rose (right), NTCC Vice President for Instruction, at a recent Barrett-Jackson event in Scottsdale, Arizona.


FAFSA day planned

The NTCC Career and Transfer Team will host a FAFSA Day event on Wednesday, Feb. 16. It will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in BT 111B. Staff will be available to assist students with completing their FAFSA application, so please bring parent(s) and student 2020 W2s and tax returns. 



Carroll Shelby Foundation gives $25,000 for NTCC automotive program

The Northeast Texas Community College Foundation recently received a $25,000 gift from the Carroll Shelby Foundation. Aaron Shelby (left), is pictured presenting the check to Dr. Jonathan McCullough, NTCC Executive Vice President for Advancement, at the Barrett-Jackson auction event held in Scottsdale, Arizona last week. The funds will be used to support NTCC’s Carroll Shelby Automotive Program.


Update contact information for Eagle Alerts

All current NTCC students and employees should be automatically registered for the Eagle Alert emergency notification system. It is tied directly to the contact information in your myEagle portal account. It is very important to make sure that NTCC has your correct cell phone number on file in case of bad weather or other emergencies. Please use the link below or scan the QR code above to confirm or change your contact number. 
