honors students in a group

The application deadline for an optimal scholarship of Honors Northeast for the 2021-2022 school year is 1 March. A student may apply directly through the application portal of the honors website (Query: <NTCC Honors>), by submitting the application distributed by counselors at local high schools to Andrew Yox, PO Box 1307, NTCC, Mount Pleasant 75456, or by contacting the Honors Director, Dr. Andrew Yox ayox@ntcc.edu (903-434-8229), where one can complete the application through an email scan.

Did you know you can apply for NTCC Foundation Scholarships Online? It's easy!

rodeo athlete wearing logo vest

Northeast Texas Community College Rodeo was back in the saddle last weekend to start off the 2021 semester with a Rodeo hosted by Texas A&M University Commerce. The event was held at the Hopkins County Civic Center in Sulphur Springs, Texas.

eagles softball logo

Northeast Texas Community College Softball finished off January with a road trip to San Antonio, Texas for the Alamo City Junior College Showcase tournament. In game one Friday NTCC picked up win number one of the season against Southern Arkansas Tech with a 5-1 victory.

honors students groups on outing

Students of Honors Northeast took their 27th biannual trip to Dallas last Friday, 29 February.  Because of restrictions relating to COVID, it was the first semester-day trip where students had to drive themselves. Though this may have hampered attendance, the group enjoyed many special amenities.  Because of recent gifts from John and Jan Bryan of Naples, and Don and Margaret Muse of Pittsburg, in addition to long-range funding and encouragement from Drs. Jim and Paula Archer, the group enjoyed a traditional, NTCC honors day-trip experience.

self report flyer

As we adjust to the pandemic becoming part of our daily lives, it is very important that everyone on campus continues reporting direct COVID-19 exposure and/or positive test results. Letting us know if you are sick or have been exposed is the fastest and most effective way to alert our administrators and faculty of your situation. They can then provide you with guidance on how to proceed and take measures to keep everyone on campus safe.

sanchez teaching boys scouts to weld

On January 30, the NTCC Continuing Education and Corporate Training group partnered with the Boy Scouts of America-Circle Ten Council to host their annual Merit Badge University here on campus.

Lopez and Rodriguez with certificates

Both Dorali Lopez Hernandez and Hilda Rodriguez have had their challenges this past year.  Both of their families have faced serious illnesses, and the death of a loved one. Both students elected to enter vigorous dual-programs at NTCC last fall in Honors and Pre-Nursing.  Both faced daunting challenges in research—Hernandez, in attempting to write a fifteen-page history of nursing in modern Texas, and Rodriguez, in writing an essay equally as long on modern Mexican immigration. 

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The Northeast Texas Community College Softball team made the trip to Grayson College in Denison, Texas on Wednesday for the inaugural games under new Head Coach Joshua Freeman. The Eagles dropped game one 11-3 and game two by a score of 13-2.

flyer for coffee chat

Texas A&M University-Texarkana at NTCC will host a Coffee Chat (via Zoom) with Dr. Miles Young on Friday, February 5 at 10 a.m. Young, who is the NTCC Director of Dual Credit and Distance Education, will discuss his experiences as a transfer student with A&M-Texarkana and also give advice for future students interested in transferring to A&M-Texarkana.