Scholarship Options

A unique aspect of Northeast Texas Community College are the many scholarship opportunities that exist. The vast majority of these scholarships are administered through the NTCC Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation established in 1984 whose major focus is scholarships. Scholarships available through the NTCC Foundation specific to agriculture are listed below, but there are many other opportunities available at NTCC -- many of which are not tied to a specific area of study. Please visit Financial Aid for more information, or you can browse through all scholarship opportunities by visiting the Foundation Scholarships Page.

  • NTCC Work Scholarship Program
    Providing students a way to go to college without student loans. Instead, at Northeast Texas Community College, the students work to pay for their college degree in advance.
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  • Joe and Marjorie Bernat Agriculture Scholarship (est. 2001)

    This perpetual scholarship was provided by Joe and Marjorie Bernat to support the Agriculture Department. This scholarship provides $300 per academic year and is awarded to students majoring in Agriculture. Students must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA to be eligible for the spring semester scholarship

  • William A. and Lucy W. Connor Memorial Agriculture Scholarship (est. 2000)

    This perpetual scholarship was established in memory of William and Lucy Connor by the National Bank of Daingerfield. This scholarship provides $300 per academic year and is awarded to a student enrolled in the Agriculture Program. Morris County residents will be given first preference. The student must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA to receive the scholarship in the spring semester

  • NTCC Agriculture Scholarship (est. 2008)

    This perpetual scholarship was established with funds raised by the NTCC Agriculture Department and Showteam. The fund provides two $500 scholarships for students enrolled in the Agriculture Program at NTCC. Applications and information are available from the Agriculture Department

  • James Kafer Memorial Agriculture Scholarship

    This annual scholarship was established by Sid and Eva Greer in memory of his uncle, Mr. James Kafer. The scholarship is for students enrolling in the Agriculture Program at NTCC. For more information on this or other Agriculture scholarships available please contact the Agriculture Department

  • WWC Agriculture Scholarship

    This annual scholarship was established through the efforts of Mrs. Kathryn Callaway and her two sons Glen Willeford and Gary Willeford. The scholarship is restricted to students majoring in Agriculture at NTCC.

For more information on these Agriculture scholarships please contact the Agriculture Department. Click here to download a scholarship application.