Texas Heritage National Bank gives NTCC Presidential Scholarship

Texas Heritage National Bank recently presented a Presidential Scholarship to Emmalea Shaw, a sophomore at Northeast Texas Community College.†The gift will cover Shaw?s academic expenses at NTCC for the 2016-2017 academic year.†This is the first privately-funded†gift of its kind†that Honors Northeast has received.

Shaw had a stellar first year at NTCC. She won a third-place $150 Caldwell Award from the State of Texas, and a $200 poetry award.

NTCC holds Last Chance Registration next week

Northeast Texas Community College will hold Last Chance Registration event August 15-19 in the Student Union Building (SUB). Faculty and staff will be on hand to help students take care of last-minute business before classes begin August 22. Registration will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to noon Friday.

?This is by far our busiest time of the year at NTCC. We have a lot of students who need to see advisors, register for classes and finish up the financial aid process,? Dr.


NTCC Business Technology Building to be named after Bart Scharlach

The board of the Bart Scharlach Memorial Foundation (BSMF) recently voted to move the management of the fund?s assets to the Northeast Texas Community College Foundation. In doing so, the gift reached the established level to rename both the Business Technology (BT) Building and the Whatley Center Auditorium on the NTCC campus.

The BT Building is now named the Bart Scharlach Business Technology Building, and the Whatley Center Auditorium is the Scharlach Auditorium.


August 4 construction update

? There is currently no interior pathway to walk from the east side of campus to the west side. There is access to the Testing Center (BT) and Student Success (SUB) from the exterior parking lots behind BT and the SUB. There is also access to the BT building through the IT building.

? Plans are in place to reopen the front entrance of the Student Services/Administration Building early next week.

Alpha Mu Chi attends Texas Honors Institute

Alpha Mu Chi, the Northeast Texas Community College chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, recently returned from the Texas Honors Institute, held at Stephen F. Austin State University. The Honors Institute is a chance for Phi Theta Kappa members from throughout the Texas Region to engage in intellectual discourse about this year's Honors Study Topic "How the World Works: Global Perspectives.?†


Faculty Focus: Fulgham co-writes instructor's manual for Norton textbook

Our own Dr. Melissa Fulgham, Division Chair of Social Sciences and Professor of History, recently co-wrote the instructor's manual for the 10th edition (most recent) of Norton's history textbook†America: A Narrative History. †Her past textbook work includes†being an acknowledged reviewer for McGraw Hill's†Experience History†and writing the instructor resource materials for Bedford/St.
