NTCC Rodeo kicks off spring season

The Northeast Texas Community College (NTCC) Rodeo Team competed in the first rodeo of the spring season February 7 and 8 at Trinity Valley Community College in Athens.†The Rodeo Team had a very successful showing, with four students placing in individual events allowing the team get closer to its goal of sending representatives to the College National Finals Rodeo (CNFR) in June.††


February 11 weather closure

All Northeast Texas Community College locations will close at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 11 due to winter weather. Food services WILL †be available to students who live on campus. The Mt. Pleasant Daily Tribune political forum that was scheduled for tonight is also cancelled.

NTCC will continue to monitor the weather and will announce any further closures by 6 a.m. tomorrow if necessary.

The NTCC Eagles baseball and softball games scheduled for Wednesday have been postponed.


NTCC holds reception for Bill Priefert

Northeast Texas Community College celebrated the service of Bill Priefert, a long-time member of the NTCC board of Trustees, with a retirement reception on Tuesday, Feb. 4. Priefert, of Mount Pleasant, recently retired from the board after 11 years of service. Priefert (center) is pictured with NTCC Board of Trustees member John Bryan (left) and NTCC President Dr. Brad Johnson (right).


NTCC Phi Theta Kappa wins national USA Today competition

† † † †Alpha Mu Chi, Northeast Texas Community College?s chapter of Phi Theta†Kappa, earned national acclaim as one of four chapters to win the 2013 Honors Case†Study Challenge competition sponsored by USA Today. Tied to the larger Phi†Theta Kappa Honors in Action research project, the Case Study Challenge†competition gives chapter members an opportunity to focus their attention on a†specific area of study.

NTCC Webb Society presents new film about Wright Patman

Charles Shafer, in his memoir of life in Northeast Texas, noted that when he was young, Congressman Wright Patman seemed to speak to local residents with the voice of God?and he ?appeared about as old.?† Patman represented Northeast Texas in Washington D.C. from 1929 to 1976, and is commemorated today by the Bowie and Cass County lake that bears his name.

But what did his life and tenure say about our region?† What kind of man was he? This is a question that the Northeast Texas Community College Webb Society has sought to answer in a new film about Wright Patman's life.