Risner, Ramirez win prestigious Walter B. Cooper Scholarships

Two students from Northeast Texas Community College recently received the Walter B Cooper Scholarship at the Phi Theta Kappa Texas Leadership Conference held virtually on October 15-17th.  The Walter B Cooper Scholarship recognizes outstanding students in the state of Texas who are “well-rounded” in the four Hallmarks of Phi Theta Kappa: Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Fellowship.  


Presidential Scholar Israel Perez Visits Godwin Design Architects

By: Andrea Reyes, NTCC Honors Coordinator & Dr. Andrew Yox, Honors Director

The honors program at Northeast Texas Community College continually strives to provide students with networking and career opportunities.  As a result, Presidential Scholar, Israel Perez, was given the opportunity to meet with Architect Derrik Godwin and his team at Godwin Design Architects located in Hughes Springs on October 13, 2021.  


Alpha Mu Chi attends Texas Leadership Conference

The Texas Region of Phi Theta Kappa held its annual Texas Leadership Conference as a virtual event October 15-17th. District III Vice-President, Cade Bennett of NTCC and fellow members of the Texas Regional leadership team planned and coordinated the event with an art-inspired theme, featuring guest speakers, virtual fellowship events, seminar group discussions, and other bonding activities.


A&M College Station transfer presentation planned

The Career and Transfer Team, in collaboration with Phi Theta Kappa and NTCC Honors, would like to invite you to the Texas A&M College Station transfer presentation on Monday, Oct. 25. The event will be in SUB 101 from 12:20-1:20 p.m.  

Gretchen Ruiz, A&M Senior Regional Advisor for Transfer Students, will present and be available to answer questions for students interested in transferring to Texas A&M College Station.


Tapestry: The Carole King Songbook comes to Whatley Center

The Whatley Center at Northeast Texas Community College will host Tapestry: The Carole King Songbook starring Suzanne O. Davis on its stage Saturday, October 23 at 7:30 p.m. The performance is sponsored by Kaye and J.T. Brison.

Tapestry is the premier musical tribute to Carole King. This show recreates the sound and vibe of a 1970’s Carole King concert experience following her legendary album, Tapestry. You will be transported back to the iconic image of her multi-million selling album of 1971.


Brian Ramirez wins fourth Dr. Charles B. Florio Award

By: Dr. Andrew Yox, Honors Director

The president of NTCC’s award-winning chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, Alpha Mu Chi, and the director of two Honors Northeast films, on Bo Pilgrim, and Carroll Shelby, has won the 2021 Dr. Charles B. Florio Award for distinguished leadership. Sophomore Brian Ramirez received $200, given by an anonymous donor, in memory, of Northeast Texas Community College’s longest-term president.
