Pictured: Israel Perez, Mary Lou and Jerald Mowery.

Israel Perez, a Presidential-Scholar sophomore of Honors Northeast, has become the first winner of the Russell-Mowery Perpetual Honors Scholarship. This annual $500 award goes to an honors student who has made significant contributions to Northeast Texas culture and life.

film panel

Academic conferences are not only great information-sharing events; they are contests that determine the scholars who have the information worth sharing.  In this competition, written abstracts matter, and winsome abstracts, require arresting titles, unique phrases, and surprising insights—linked together and conveyed in the time consumed by an elevator ride. They are sometimes called “elevator pitches.”  At Northeast Texas Community College, honors students often begin their research in conjunction with films that occur before their first fall semester.  During the semester of their first year, they write weekly “ideophanies” that involve at least two conceptualizations every week.  By November, they compose posters, engage in “arresting concept” contests, and write fifteen-page rough drafts.   

A&M Commerce header

The NTCC Career & Transfer Center is pleased to host Yadira Muñoz, Admissions Counselor for Texas A&M University-Commerce, on November 18. Muñoz will be in BT 111B from 11:00 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. to assist with admissions applications and will give an admissions presentation from 12:30-1:20 p.m. in the same location. Lunch will be provided. 

page petrucka

Dr. Page Petrucka, Associate Professor of Theatre at Northeast Texas Community College, was recently honored by the Texas Educational Theatre Association at its annual conference. 
Her short play, Skin Condition, was a winner in the Texas Educator Category for a 10-minute play.  This year the conference was virtual due to COVID-19, so the play was recorded and then broadcast on Saturday, October 23 via zoom. Other Texas higher ed professionals in the state responded to the play. Petrucka had previously won a similar award as a student while completing her doctoral work. Her full-length play, Return to Roswell, won in 2013. 

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Texas A&M University Texarkana at NTCC, in partnership with Communities in Schools, is hosting its annual Christmas Drive Nov. 1 through December 6. They are collecting new items to help children and their families during the holiday season. Some examples of needed items include: clothing (all sizes), socks, undergarments, hoodies and jackets, shoes, kids’ toys, board games, makeup and hair accessories, electronics.

young and decosta

The Northeast Texas Community College Rodeo team followed up the home Rodeo with a trip to South Louisiana to the McNeese State University Rodeo in Lake Charles, Louisiana October 29-30.

The Women’s team brought home a 4th place finish thanks to strong showings from Taylor Decosta (Kaneohe, Hawaii) in Barrell Racing and a first-place finish from Jessee Young (Paris, Texas) in the Breakaway Roping.

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The Northeast Texas Community College Board of Trustees met for its regular October meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 26. 

Jeff Chambers, Vice President for Administrative Services, presented the finance report and stated that college revenue and expenditures for fall are on target with budget projections. Additionally, he discussed federal HEERF (Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund) money that NTCC received to provide direct relief to students and the institution as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Janie Fricke

Janie Fricke will perform a concert at the Whatley Center for the Performing Arts on Thursday, Nov. 11 at 7 p.m. This is an independent event and tickets can be purchased online via EventBrite. Prizes range from $29-$59.

"All I ever wanted to do was sing." Janie Fricke has gone from Indiana farm girl to internationally acclaimed recording artist throughout her career. She was born in South Whitley, Indiana, and raised on a 400-acre farm where her father taught her how to play guitar. From county fairs to corporate trade shows, live concerts, in recording studios, or before millions on television, Fricke's individual sound and performance personality has captivated audiences around the world.

kirthell Roberts

As part of its African-American History Guest Speaker Series, NTCC will welcome Reverend Kirthell Roberts on Monday, Nov. 1 at 12:30 p.m. in Humanities 129. Rev. The topic will be History of the Black Church in Northeast Texas

vanbibber presenting stop the bleed kits

This week the Northeast Texas Community College EMS Program had the honor of presenting updated Stop the Bleed kits to Harts Bluff ISD. The kits were donated by the Northeast Texas Regional Advisory Council in partnership with NTCC. Russell VanBibber is pictured presenting the kits to (from left) Nikki Martin, RN, Erika Ponce, Principal, and Susy Ramirez, RN. To learn more about the EMS program at NTCC, visit www.ntcc.edu/ems.