Chemistry, AS

Year 1 Semester 1
CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I

Fundamental principles of chemistry for majors in the sciences health sciences and engineering.  Topics include measurements fundamental properties of matter states of matter chemical reactions chemical stoichiometry periodicity of elemental properties atomic structure chemical bonding molecular structure solutions properties of gases and introductions to thermodynamics quantum mechanics and descriptive chemistry. Successful completion (final grade of C or better) of CHEM 1411 will allow the student to continue on to CHEM 1412. (Fall Spring Summer)

Credit hours
4 credit hours.
Three hours lecture and three hours of lab each week.

MATH 1314 or equivalent or above


Additional course fee(s) required.

MATH 2413 Calculus I

This is a standard first course in calculus.  Topics include limits continuity; definition of the derivative of a function and techniques of differentiation; applications of the derivative to maximizing or minimizing a function; the chain rule mean value theorem and rate of change problems; curve sketching; the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; definite and indefinite integration of algebraic trigonometric and transcendental functions with an application to calculation of areas. (Fall Spring Summer)

Credit hours
4 credit hours.
Four hours of lecture each week

MATH 2412 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or better

Choose 1 American History Course

Choose one course from the following:

ENGL 1301 English Composition I

Intensive study of and practice in writing processes from invention and researching to drafting revising and editing both individually and collaboratively. Emphasis on effective rhetorical choices including audience purpose arrangement and style. Focus on writing the academic essay as a vehicle for learning communicating and critical analysis.

Credit hours
3 credit hours.
Three hours of class each week.


English Composition I is a prerequisite for all 2000-level literature courses.

Total Credit Hours

Year 1 Semester 2
CHEM 1412 General Chemistry II

Continuation of CHEM 1411. Topics include: chemical equilibrium solutions phase diagrams acid-base concepts thermodynamics kinetics electrochemistry nuclear chemistry and descriptive inorganic chemistry. Successful completion (final grade of C or better) of CHEM 1412 will allow the student to continue on to CHEM 2423.

Credit hours
4 credit hours.
Three hours lecture and four hours of lab each week.

CHEM 1411 with a final grade of C or better


Additional course fee(s) required.

MATH 2414 Calculus II

This is a standard second course in calculus. Topics include differentiation and integration of transcendental functions; parametric equations and polar coordinates; techniques of integration; sequences and series; improper integrals. (Fall Spring Summer)

Credit hours
4 credit hours.
Four hours of lecture each week.

MATH 2413 with a grade of "C" or better

Choose 1 American History Course

Choose one course from the following:

PSYC 2301 Introduction to Psychology

This course is an introduction to the fundamental principles of behavior. Special emphasis is placed on methods of research and critical thinking skills. This is a survey course and covers a variety of topics theories and approaches to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. PSYC 2301 is reading and writing intensive and is a college sophomore course.

Credit hours
3 credit hours.
Three hours of lecture each week.
Total Credit Hours

Year 1 Semester 3
GOVT 2305 Federal Government

Origin and development of the U.S. Constitution structure and powers of the national government including the legislative executive and judicial branches federalism political participation the national election process public policy civil liberties and civil rights.

Credit hours
3 credit hours.
Three hours of class each week.
GOVT 2306 Texas Government

Origin and development of the Texas Constitution structure and powers of state and local government federalism and inter-governmental relations political participation the election process public policy and the political culture of Texas.

Credit hours
3 credit hours.
Three hours of class each week.
Total Credit Hours

Year 2 Semester 1
CHEM 2423 Organic Chemistry I

Fundamental principles of organic chemistry will be studied including the structure bonding properties and reactivity of organic molecules; and properties and behavior of organic compounds and their derivatives.  Emphasis is placed on organic synthesis and mechanisms.  Includes study of covalent and ionic bonding nomenclature stereochemistry structure and reactivity reaction mechanisms functional groups and synthesis of simple molecules.  Also includes radical reactions and infrared spectroscopy. Successful completion of (final grade of C or better) of CHEM 2423 will allow the student to continue on to CHEM 2425. (Fall)

Credit hours
4 credit hours.
Three hours lecture and four hours of lab each week.

CHEM 1412 with a final grade of C or better.


Additional course fee(s) required.

SPCH 1315 Public Speaking

Application of communication theory and practice to the public speaking context with emphasis on audience analysis speaker delivery ethics of communication cultural diversity and speech organizational techniques to develop students' speaking abilities.

Credit hours
3 credit hours.
Three hours of class each week.

Eligibility to enroll in INRW 0302 

Choose 1 Creative Arts Course

Choose one course from the following:

Total Credit Hours

Year 2 Semester 2
CHEM 2425 Organic Chemistry II

Continuation of CHEM 2423. Advanced principles of organic chemistry will be studied. Advanced principles of organic chemistry will be studied.  Topics include: the properties and reactions of alcohols ethers conjugated systems aromatic compounds aldehydes ketones carboxylic acids and their derivatives and amines with emphasis on synthesis and mechanisms.  Spectroscopic methods of structure determination of organic molecules is also covered.  (Spring)

Credit hours
4 credit hours.
Three hours lecture and four hours of lab each week.

CHEM 2423 with a grade of C or better


Additional course fee(s) required.

PHYS 2425 Advanced Physics I

This is a calculus-based physics course intended for students majoring in computer science engineering mathematics physics or related fields of study. Topics include 1-D motion 2-D motion rotational motion Newton's laws energy momentum equilibrium gravity oscillatory motion waves and heat. (Fall)

Credit hours
4 credit hours.
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab each week.

MATH 2413 


Additional course fee(s) required.

PHYS 2426 Advanced Physics II

This is a calculus-based physics course intended for students majoring in computer science engineering mathematics physics or related fields of study. Topics include charge electric fields magnetic fields electric potential current capacitance resistance electromotive force simple DC and AC circuits induction electromagnetic waves propagation of light and geometric optics. (Spring)

Credit hours
4 credit hours.
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab each week.

PHYS 2425 (completed) and MATH 2414 (completed or concurrent).


Additional course fee(s) required.

1 Credit Hour Elective

Electives should be chosen in consultation with your faculty and/or academic advisor.

Total Credit Hours

Total Program Hours



The mission of the Department of Chemistry is to provide personal, dynamic learning experiences empowering students to succeed and to explore the scientific principles in the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. We encourage active learning to develop each student's ability to acquire and critically interpret knowledge of basic facts and theories of chemistry, to relate that knowledge to other subject areas, and to communicate their understanding to others.


These courses are not required for the A.S. degree but are required for the B.S. degree in Chemistry at most universities. It is recommended that they are completed at Northeast prior to transfer.


MATH 2318 Linear Algebra 3 credit hours

MATH 2320 - Differential Equations 3 credit hours.

MATH 2415 - Calculus III 4 credit hours.


These courses are not required for the A.S. degree but are required prerequisites at most universities for students pursuing a B.S. degree in Biochemistry. It is recommended that they are completed at Northeast prior to transfer.

BIOL 1406 - General Biology I 4 credit hours.

BIOL 1407 - General Biology II 4 credit hours.


Additional coursework recommended:

ENGL 1302 OR ENGL 2311

Recommended High School Endorsement
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Division Chair
Faculty Advisor

Transfer Opportunities
Texas A&M University
University of Texas
Texas Tech University