Student organizations raise 4,480 lbs of candy for Scare Affair

Scare Affair image

Congratulations to the winners of the Scare Affair candy donation competition! This is another record-breaking donation with a total of 4,480 pounds of candy! That’s truly amazing! Scare Affair would not be successful as it is each year without the dedication of NTCC Student Organizations/Clubs and the generosity of our campus and local communities.


Be sure to invite your family and friends to Scare Affair on Saturday, October 19, 2019 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. on the NTCC campus. We hope to see you there!  


2019 Scare Affair Candy Donation Winners:

Ø 1st Place - Northeast Student Nurses Association

Ø 2nd Place - Phi Theta Kappa

Ø 3rd Place - Business Club

Ø 4th Place - Cosmetology Club