Outside the Lines art reception planned for Nov. 1

outside the lines

“Outside the Lines” is an art show about mental health and identity. Fifty pieces of artwork are on display in the Whatley Foyer all this week. A “reaction box” allows you to comment on and identify with pieces that resonate with you in some way. Franklin Cruz, a TEDx speaker, will be part of the closing reception activities on Friday, November 1, 5-7 pm, which includes a chocolate fountain, snack foods, and a silent auction on some of the artwork. A calendar for 2020 includes 12 selected pieces of art and will be available for purchase. Included in this email is a pdf of the calendar as a “sneak peak.” 100% of the profits will go to mental health organizations in this area. Thanks to Dr. Matthew Lambert for designing the art show logo, Dr. Karyn Skaar and Debbie Strong for selecting the pieces that will appear in the calendar, and the incredible officers of the Phi Theta Kappa chapter on campus that came up with the idea for this project, collected the artwork which has come from as far away as Fort Worth, and set-up art activities to enable people to express their feelings and emotions through art.

Special Thank You to the teachers who are offering extra credit for viewing the art show!