Texas Heritage National Bank establishes Sid Greer Memorial Honors Scholarship

greer scholarship check presentation

The Northeast Texas Community College Foundation recently received a donation of $10,000 from Texas Heritage National Bank (THNB). The funds will be used to endow the Sid Greer Memorial Honors Scholarship at NTCC. Pictured, John Bryan (left) presents the check to Dr. Jon McCullough, NTCC Executive Vice President for Advancement, on behalf of THNB. Greer, who passed away in December 2024, served on the NTCC Board of Trustees faithfully for 23 years. During that time he served as Board Secretary for 12 years.  

The funds received from the earnings on the endowment will be used to pay for a full scholarship (tuition, fees, and books) for one student in the NTCC Honors program each year. This named scholarship will remain in effect as long as the College exists. To contribute to the Sid Greer Memorial Honors Scholarship, or to make a general donation, visit www.ntcc.edu/givenow or contact Nita May, NTCC Director of Development, at 903-434-8113 or nmay@ntcc.edu