M. J. Hayes receives Phi Theta Kappa Friend of Texas Award

building little library

Local author and craftsman M. J. Hayes has received the Phi Theta Kappa Friend of Texas Award. Each year, the Texas Region of Phi Theta Kappa recognizes individuals who are not members or advisors, but go above and beyond—demonstrating exemplary support for a Phi Theta Kappa chapter. Northeast Texas Community College’s chapter, Alpha Mu Chi, nominated Hayes for his assistance with the chapter’s 2023 and 2024 Honors in Action projects. 

Hayes assisted in the construction of the chapter’s bilingual Little Free Library project, teaching carpentry workshops to the students on campus, providing power tools and supplies for the students to use, assisting in sourcing materials, and providing his own additional labor when needed. This Little Library was installed outside of Ignite Youth Group, and children of the community can access it freely. 

Hayes Presentation

Hayes returned once again to campus to assist in Alpha Mu Chi’s “Folk-Tober” event, which celebrated the stories, legends, and culture of East Texas throughout the month of October. Hayes wrote and presented the lecture “Culture Clash on the Texas Frontier; the True Stories of Indian Captivity,” which explored famous cases of Texan settlers who lived among the Comanche tribe that served as the research basis for his novels Son of the Mountain and The Two Fathers of Walter Red Blanket. 

“It’s been a pleasure working with the students of NTCC and assisting them—in my own way—with their continuing educational years,” says Hayes.
The award will be presented at the Phi Theta Kappa Texas Regional Conference on March 8th in Houston. PTK co-advisor Athena Hayes will be accepting the award on his behalf. 

“These projects would not have been successful without the assistance, time, and effort he generously provided,” says Athena Hayes. “His assistance has been invaluable to our chapter these past two years, and the students have greatly appreciated him.”

M.J. Hayes’s novels are available on Amazon in print and ebook. Students interested in Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society may contact Melissa Fulgham (mfulgham@ntcc.edu), Athena Hayes (ahayes@ntcc.edu), or Maryna Svirska-Otero (msvirskaotero@ntcc.edu).