October 7, 2013

Rodeo fans will get to see more than 300 athletes from throughout the†Southern Region of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association (NIRA) compete for points and prizes this weekend as Northeast Texas Community College its 24th annual rodeo. The event will be held October 10-12 at the†Mount Pleasant City Arena on Greenhill Road.
Rodeo action will begin at 7:30 p.m.†on†Thursday†and†Friday†and at 2 p.m.†on Saturday.
?An important part of rodeo is putting on a great show for the audience.†We feel confident that this year?s NTCC rodeo is going to be a blast for†folks of all ages.† You will get to see some of the best collegiate rodeo†athletes in the country compete,? NTCC head rodeo coach Skylar Hunnicutt, said.
In addition to NTCC athletes, the colleges and universities†competing this weekend include: Texas A&M University, McNeese State†University, Sam Houston State University, Stephen F. Austin University,†Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Hill College, Wharton County Junior†College, Southwest Texas Junior College, Panola College, Trinity Valley†Community College, Blinn College and Texas State University.
The NTCC Rodeo is one of 10 NIRA Southern Region rodeos. The men will†compete in bull riding, calf roping, steer wrestling, bareback riding,†and saddle bronc riding. The women will compete in barrel racing,†breakaway roping, and goat tying with men and women competing in team†roping. The students will be vying for points for their chance to compete†at the College National Finals Rodeo (CNFR) held in Casper, WY in June.†At the conclusion of the ten Southern Region Rodeos, the top three†contestants in each event go onto the CNFR to compete for a National†title.
Tickets are $7 for adults; $5 for children 12 and under, and NTCC†students with ID and children under seven are free. The Mount Pleasant†City Arena is located on Greenhill Road north of Applebee?s.††For more†information, contact Hunnicutt at 903-434-8274. Fans can follow the results at†www.collegerodeo.com.
Rodeo action will begin at 7:30 p.m.†on†Thursday†and†Friday†and at 2 p.m.†on Saturday.
?An important part of rodeo is putting on a great show for the audience.†We feel confident that this year?s NTCC rodeo is going to be a blast for†folks of all ages.† You will get to see some of the best collegiate rodeo†athletes in the country compete,? NTCC head rodeo coach Skylar Hunnicutt, said.
In addition to NTCC athletes, the colleges and universities†competing this weekend include: Texas A&M University, McNeese State†University, Sam Houston State University, Stephen F. Austin University,†Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Hill College, Wharton County Junior†College, Southwest Texas Junior College, Panola College, Trinity Valley†Community College, Blinn College and Texas State University.
The NTCC Rodeo is one of 10 NIRA Southern Region rodeos. The men will†compete in bull riding, calf roping, steer wrestling, bareback riding,†and saddle bronc riding. The women will compete in barrel racing,†breakaway roping, and goat tying with men and women competing in team†roping. The students will be vying for points for their chance to compete†at the College National Finals Rodeo (CNFR) held in Casper, WY in June.†At the conclusion of the ten Southern Region Rodeos, the top three†contestants in each event go onto the CNFR to compete for a National†title.
Tickets are $7 for adults; $5 for children 12 and under, and NTCC†students with ID and children under seven are free. The Mount Pleasant†City Arena is located on Greenhill Road north of Applebee?s.††For more†information, contact Hunnicutt at 903-434-8274. Fans can follow the results at†www.collegerodeo.com.