Student Application for Admission
Deadline to apply is Friday, October 7, 2022, at noon
Upward Bound is a program designed to provide high school students with opportunities to develop skills needed to achieve personal, academic, and career goals. Its overall goal is to help students through high school and into college. For students who possess the academic potential to be successful in college but who may need additional tools in order to get there, Upward Bound can be that tool.
During the school year, Upward Bound provides such tools as academic counseling and tutoring, career exploration, preparation for college entrance exams, and assistance with applications for college financial aid and admission. Upward Bound also includes a summer residential component. During the five week program, students stay on the campus of Northeast Texas Community College and either take enrichment courses geared toward preparing them for the next school year or take college credit courses.
The Upward Bound program in its entirety provides academic, social, and cultural activities intended to build confidence and self reliance in young people; who will, in turn, succeed in college and later serve their communites in leadership roles.
For more info contact the Upward Bound office at 903-434-8219