Blood drive coming to NTCC February 4th

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LifeShare will be on campus Tuesday, Feb. 4th conducting a blood drive. Please help save a life by donating blood! Participants will receive a free long-sleeved "In My Giving Era" t-shirt while supplies last. 

The blood drive bus will be in the parking lot by the Student Union Building from 10:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. While walk-ins are welcome, it is recommended that donors register for an appointment by clicking here

About LifeShare: 

LifeShare Blood Center, established in Shreveport, La. in 1942, regularly supplies blood components and related services to more than 100 medical facilities and hospitals throughout Louisiana, East Texas and South Arkansas. LifeShare is a member of America’s Blood Centers and the American Rare Donor Program, is licensed by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, and accredited by AABB. LifeShare Blood Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community blood bank governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees.