Art department hosts annual student art show and contest

The Northeast Texas Community College Art Department recently held its annual Student Art Show and contest in the Whatley Center for the Performing Arts foyer gallery. The show runs through April 27 and is open to the public for viewing. A reception with the artists was held Tuesday, April 19. †Students who won awards for their work were:

Drawing II (color)


Nursing inducts 15 into Alpha Delta Nu honor society

The Northeast Texas Community College nursing program†recently inducted 15 students into its Gamma Omicron chapter of the Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society. This is a national honor society of the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN). In order to be selected for membership, students must maintain a 3.0 or above GPA and have earned a grade of B or better in each nursing class after two semester of coursework.

Scholarship fund established, service planned in memory of Beth Thompson

† † † Beth Thompson loved Northeast Texas Community College. Her husband, with the help of family and friends, plans to keep her legacy alive at the institution through a scholarship in her memory. The Margaret Beth Reudelhuber Thompson Memorial Scholarship for Women in Accounting and Business was recently established with the Northeast Texas Community College Foundation.


Psi Beta plans suicide prevention event

The Northeast Texas Community College chapter of the Psi Beta honors society will host a Suicide Prevention Conference and 5K Walk to Fight Suicide Saturday, April 23. The event will be held on the NTCC campus and the conference will begin with two speakers at 5 p.m. in the†Whatley Foyer. The walk will begin at 7:30 p.m.

The public is invited to participate in the event. The cost is $20 per person if pre-registered early by April 7 and $25 the day of the walk. T-shirts will be available to those who pre-registered.

