NTCC seeks community feedback for strategic plan

Northeast Texas Community College is seeking community feedback as they plan for the next five years. The public is invited to participate by completing the strategic planning survey at www.ntcc.edu/survey by October 15. Results of this survey will be used directly to help shape the planning process.

Earlier this summer, a strategic plan steering committee, made up of faculty, staff, students and community members was established to begin working on the strategic plan. When finished, the revised plan will include updated mission and vision statements as well as a new set of goals.

“I was honored to be asked to chair the strategic plan steering committee. Times have changed a lot since the college opened more than 35 years ago and it is important for us to update our strategic plan periodically so that our goals reflect our community’s needs and are relevant to the times,” Alan Carter, NTCC Professor of Accounting, said.

A public community forum will be scheduled once the results are compiled.

“NTCC isn’t a community college in name only. We are supported locally and serve people in our area in many ways. It is very important for us to know what our community needs from us and to respond in kind. This survey is a great way for everyone to give their opinions and to make a real difference in the future of NTCC,” Dr. Ron Clinton, NTCC President, said.

The survey will be open at www.ntcc.edu/survey through October 15.